We have always wanted to attend an NFL game, and the last couple of years it has been on our family bucket list of things to do.
While most states have two professional teams, here in Florida, we have three NFL teams to choose from including the Miami Dolphins, Jacksonville Jaguars, and The Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Two of the three are within driving distance for us so it was only a matter of time before we scheduled a date to go. It was just a matter of when, as the question has always been, at what age do we take the kids? Are they still too young to enjoy the experience?
Recently we attended the Florida Kids and Family Expo where over 150 exhibitors from around the state are represented. Many of these exhibits have raffles. Of course, I love free stuff and entered quite a few raffles, one of which was for four box seat tickets to a Tampa Bay Buccaneer game. You can imagine my surprise when I won. There were thousands of people who entered that drawing but we were going to be getting the chance to attend a Tampa Bay Bucs game, courtesy of the team themselves.
I was sent the available dates for the season that we could choose from but of course, we were too excited to wait so we chose the opening day game. Much to my surprise, there was also a special pre-game concert with Tim McGraw with those tickets. Gameday couldn’t come soon enough!

When game day finally arrived, I was as prepared as I could be. I googled to find out more about our section, the stadium policies, the food, and anything else I could think of, but I still don’t think I was prepared for our first NFL stadium experience.
Here are some tips to consider when taking your kids to an NFL game.
Have a parking plan
When we arrived, I discovered I knew nothing about the parking situation. All of the lots that were close to the stadium required prepayment. The lots for same-day payment were much further away and quite a walk in the Florida heat. Don’t make my mistake, be sure to find out the parking details in your particular stadium.
NFL Bag Policy
I carry a backpack equipped with water, sunblock, and snacks everywhere we go. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the NFL has a clear bag policy. You now have to carry a clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC bag. The material doesn’t matter, although size does, it just has to be clear. If you don’t have a fashionable clear bag, you can always carry in a gallon plastic bag. We opted to just put everything in our pockets, but you will have to finish that drink before you enter the stadium.

Choose Your Game Wisely
We have one season in Florida, summer. Although we have a few days a year where we reach below freezing, most of the time it is warm. Warm is fine, but hot is not. Be sure to consider the time of year for your game. The first game of the season could be very hot, or if you go later in the season, perhaps too cold for your kids to really enjoy. The other thing to consider when choosing your game is the time of the game. In a couple of weeks, our home games are at 1 pm, although a little more convenient for making sure they are to bed on time, being in the sun at the peak of the day would be brutal.
Choose your seats wisely
Although we didn’t get to choose our seats because they were given to us, we were fortunate with their location. Once again, here in Florida, that sun can be brutal. Things you may want to consider when purchasing your seats include is there obstructed viewing, how far away are you from the airconditioned section, and of course where will that sun be, will you have any shade. I found out a lot about our seats and section not just by looking at the stadium map but my dear friend Google. There are seat reviews all over the internet.
Don’t forget the sunblock
We applied sunblock as soon as we arrived at the parking area, so we were covered not only while in the stadium but for the long walk. Since I didn’t have a bag, I even popped a sunblock stick in my pocket for reapplication. Hats and visors are great sun protection too!

Arrive Early
Originally we had planned to arrive for the pregame concert, but the morning of gameday I decided that wasn’t a good idea. I couldn’t imagine the kids making it out in the heat for a concert and entire NFL game. I really wanted to see the entire game and that was more important than any concert. I am glad we still left and planned to arrive early. It took us some time to find parking, walk to the stadium, and find our section. There is plenty of stuff to see and do prior to the game so the time went by quickly.
Stay hydrated
With the sun and heat, it is easy to get dehydrated. We purchased a large bottle of water and then just refilled it as needed at the water bottle refill station we found near the restroom. It’s easy to tell our kids to drink water but remember to do the same yourself, especially if you are consuming adult beverages that will add to the dehydration.
Prep your car
It doesn’t matter if you live near or far from the stadium, car prep is important. Make sure that you have water, snacks, and anything else you may need for the drive home. Since we live two hours away and would be leaving the game at bedtime, I packed for a day trip. Not only did I pack drinks and snacks, but I had pillows, blankets, pajamas, and toothbrushes so the kids could not only get ready for bed but perhaps go to sleep during the long drive home.

Have fun
As always, be sure to have fun and enjoy the experience. Even though neither of my children are big football fans, they enjoyed the experience. With bead throwing, a pirate ship shooting cannons, and the action of the game, it would be hard not to have fun!
So are 9-year-olds to young to enjoy an NFL game? Not these two! Have you taken your kids to an NFL game? If so at what age?