It is hard to believe that it was just a year ago when our friend took this picture of me and the kids participating in the Mardi Gras parade at Universal Studios in Orlando. We had such a great experience throwing beads into the crowd. It is a memory that we will treasure forever!

Now here we almost exactly one year later, having a different sort of Mardi Gras experience due to the global pandemic.
I’ll be honest. This family has been like sleepy bears in winter hibernating for most of the last year. We have watched and waited to see how the parks handled the ongoing pandemic and decided we were finally ready to return to having some fun.
So what is it like visiting Mardi Gras at Universal Studios in Orlando this year? From food, entertainment, shopping, and more, it was still a full day of fun.

This year, Universal Studios Orlando is offering an International Food Fest during the Mardi Gras celebration. They even renamed the entire event this year Mardi Gras 2021: International Flavors of Carnival. You have the opportunity to enjoy foods inspired by international Carnaval celebrations around the world. From the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Spain, Germany, Italy, Cuba, and other regions, including New Orleans, the event felt very reminiscent of eating and drinking at The Food and Wine Festival at Epcot.
Typically, you would find the food and drinks for the Mardi Gras celebration mostly centrally located in New York’s backlot French Quarter Courtyard. This year it was quite different as there were various tasting booths throughout the park.

One of the great ways to experience the tasting size food and drinks (including alcohol) at Mardi Gras this year is to purchase a Tasting Lanyard. The cost works out to $5.50 per item, but if you are an Annual Passholder, a unique Passholder offering works out to $4.33 per item. Speaking of Passholders, if you aren’t quite sure about purchasing a lanyard, you can also get a discount using your pass, excluding alcohol. Although the lanyards are only available for purchase through March 28th, if you have extra credits left over after the event, you will be able to use them at the parks and City Walk on bottled water, soft pretzels, and regular popcorn.
Mardi Gras Floats
Although there are no parades this year, I was excited to see many parade floats, including the Pirate Treasure themed floats and a few other classic floats on display throughout the park.

Throughout the day, costumed performers would throw beads from the floats. Eden loved how some of the performers made us dance to earn our beads.
There were blue markers located in various spots near the floats to help with social distancing where you could stand to catch beads. We did not feel any congested areas near the floats during the day, but we noticed in the evening as we left a rather large crowd near the Miss New Orlean’s float on the main drag. But who could resist the lights and music of a brass band emitting from that float?
Concerts have always been a large part of the Mardi Gras celebration, but shows bring crowds, making social distancing difficult. Although there are no concerts this year, there are still live performances throughout the park, including a marching band that marches from New York’s backlot to a stage near Mel’s Diner. There is lots of toe-tapping, hip-swinging live music!
You will also find entertainers throughout the park. However, this year, the street entertainers are either on the floats, stilts or raised platforms due to health and safety measures set in place. It was still plenty of fun for the kids to interact with them.

Safety Guidelines
I can’t end without discussing the safety guidelines Universal has set into place. I have mentioned social distancing markers; of course, there are also masks and temperature checks required. What I found impressive were the team members stationed throughout the park giving guests gentle reminders regarding proper mask etiquette. I also really appreciate with this event being food-focused, that while eating or drinking, they request guests to be stationary and maintain social distancing. Most people were excellent about following the guidelines as I didn’t see many walking and eating.
So although Mardi Gras at Universal Orlando is looking quite different this year, there is still plenty of fun to be had!