What do you do to celebrate your husband’s 50th birthday during a pandemic? You get creative!!!
We have celebrated two BIG milestone birthdays in our family this year. Eden and Xen turned 10 during the stay at home orders and now Mark turned 50 at a time when no large social gatherings are allowed and social distancing and mask-wearing is a must.
So what do you do when all the plans you were making for the last year to celebrate your husband’s big 50th milestone birthday go out the window? You come up with a plan B, that has to be worthy of the Florida Fun Family name of course. 🙂
Mark has always been a fan of the very popular Youtube series, Hot Ones and he loves hot sauce. In fact, it is a tradition for Eden and Xen buy him hot sauce every Christmas. He just loves peppers!
So back to the show Hot Ones. Just in case you are not familiar with the show, let me give you a little background. During Hot Ones, the host of the show, Sean Evans, interviews celebrities while they eat wings. The wings vary in Scoville ratings (how hot they are) and it starts out mild and ends pretty wild. The tag line of the show sums it up best, “The show with hot questions and even hotter wings.”
It’s the craziest thing to watch as the celebrities not only struggle with the heat of the wings but it is like the heat impacts their thinking and capability to ask Sean’s probing questions about their life and career.
With Mark’s love of hot sauce, the show Hot Ones, and the fact that he is at a big milestone in his life, Eden and I came up with the perfect quarantine birthday idea. We would create our own at-home birthday edition of Hot Ones for Mark’s 50th birthday.
After much research watching various episodes of the actual show from its ten seasons and researching their most popular hot sauces and Scoville ratings, we created a plan. Procuring the hot sauces was quite a fun project in itself. Although we didn’t solely purchase hot sauces used on the actual show, a majority of them were on the show at some point and time. Of course, we had to have the traditional Last Dab hot sauce.

Here is the list of the ten hot sauces we used and their correlating Scoville rating.
1 Taco Bell Fire Sauce 500 Scoville
2 Smokin Jamaican 2500 Scoville
3 Kenyan Fire Tusk 5,000 Scoville
4 Pain is good batch #37 8,560 Scoville
5 Pain is Good Louisiana 13,000 Scoville
6 Pain 100% 40,000 Scoville
7 Zombie Apocolypse 100,000 Scoville
8 Da bomb Beyond Insanity 135,000 Scoville
9 Dave’s Ghost Pepper 650,000 Scoville
10 Last Dab 2,000,000 Scoville
Then there of course was creating the show script and interview questions for our host, Eden. Xen was the cameraman and help me behind the scenes to dish out the spicy wings.
Mark was really surprised and touched by the entire experience. He had no idea what we had planned. Plus he now has a lot of new hot sauces to add to his collection, although we may have to skip tradition this year of buying him hot sauce for a Christmas present.
Eden and Xen both enjoyed this experience as well. It will be a memory that everyone will cherish. We may not have been able to have that big celebration with all of our friends but we sure did make the best out of another quarantine birthday and had a lot of fun in the process!
You can watch our entire episode of Mark’s 50th Birthday Hot Wing Edition here. Please be sure to leave a comment and tell us what you think. We would also like to hear what creative ways you have celebrated a birthday during this pandemic.