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Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend was a race weekend I had only dreamed about participating in for years. I finally had the opportunity to run not one, but all three of those races this year. My original intention was to only run the 10k and half-marathon which is known as the Disney Fairy Tale Challenge, but while registering online, my 8-year-old daughter Eden looked at me with her big eyes and said: “Can I run the Princess race with you?” How could I say no?
So I added registrations for the Disney Princess 5k for myself and Eden to my order. I won’t lie and say that there wasn’t a little panic as I pushed submit payment. I had only run Disney Half Marathons prior to this and didn’t know what to expect with the 5k. I wasn’t even sure if Eden could run a 5k, what is equivalent to 3.1 miles, even if it was at Disney. And I feared we may just get swept by the dreaded balloon ladies.
The balloon ladies are actually lovely women that are the pacesetters for Disney races. They walk at a 16 minute per mile pace, starting dead last. If you see them coming with their big Disney balloons, you know you better hustle. Disney requires all racers to complete Disney races at a 16 minute per mile pace as all races are run prior to park open.

The week before race weekend my nerves were shot wondering if I was going to ruin running for my 8-year-old forever. I really wanted this to be a great experience for her but dealing with balloon ladies and early morning (if you can call it that) wake up calls was going to prove to be too much. Well, thank goodness for Disney running Facebook groups. I discovered other moms with the same questions I had about running the 5k with children.
Tip #1 – Take Your Time. The first and most important thing I found out on that Facebook group was that Disney 5ks are not timed. Whew, no balloon ladies! All other Disney races are timed, but since the Disney 5k starts at 5:30 and the parks open much later, 3 miles should be easy to complete, even with picture stops. Enjoy the moment and stop for every picture opportunity if you so desire and perhaps some of your own.

Did you catch that I said these races are run before the park opens? Ack! My princess likes her sleep and we were going to be running before the sun even rose!
The morning of the Disney Princess 5k, Eden and I were up and ready, tutus and all. We were on a Disney bus headed to the race at 3:30 a.m. where we walked through security about 3:45 and were standing in line for pictures shortly thereafter.
Tip #2 – Get to Bed Early the Night Before. Disney actually asks that racers get to the start line around 4 am for a 5:30 am race start for 5ks so it is important to get your zzz’s. Fortunately, there is plenty of entertainment and excitement before the race start so it’s easy to pass the time, even at 4 a.m. If you get there early enough you can even get pictures with beloved Disney characters.

Tip #3 – Arrive as early as possible for pre-race character pics. Disney does cut off the lines at a certain point to ensure everyone makes it to the corrals on time. We waited in line for 45 minutes for Merida not knowing if we would get a picture. We were warned about the length of the line and the potential of not making it. It was kind of risky to do with an eight-year-old. I would be lying if I didn’t admit I was super nervous and as I should’ve been because we were the last to get a picture with Merida prior to the race.
We were in Corral A, which is the first corral to start so we began exactly at 5:30 am. We ran a little, walked a lot and stopped for character pictures. We got pictures with Rapunzel and Flynn, Aladdin and Jasmine, and Mushu during the race. Because we started in the first corral we had a shorter wait time for pictures and a little extra personal space. However, with our stopping and the fact that we walked, I did notice the last half mile was super crowded. There were tutus everywhere!

At one point the crowd was so thick and as I was trying to navigate through some of it Eden fell to the ground. Immediately we were swarmed by princesses and princes stopping their race and making sure that she was okay. I was deeply moved by their concern but Eden was embarrassed and we took some time out off to the side.
The other downside to the thick crowd the last half mile or so, was that it was hard to take advantage of the Photopass photographers stationed in their little green tents, especially at the finish line. We didn’t get a finish line photo but after contacting Disney they searched and found one with us in the background. I love Disney magic!

This leads me to my next tip for running a Disney race with your kids.
Tip #4 – Make sure your bib is visible. We all want those photo memories and if your bib is not visible they will not show up in the Photopass app. A good way to ensure your bib is visible and that you get those pictures is to make sure you have a buffer around you. Try your best to leave a little space between you and that next person. Sometimes easier said than done.
Tip #5 – Pack snacks! Yes, it is early and they probably won’t be ready to eat for some time, as it was in Eden’s case, but don’t forget the snacks! I forgot the snacks! I left them on the counter in the room and boy did I regret it. Without much sleep and no food as energy, Eden was a little lethargic during much of the race thus a lot of really slow walking, almost dragging her as she grumbled about me not feeding her.
Tip #6 – Consider Your Costumes. Costumes are a lot of fun, especially for something like a Disney Princess race, but really think about the practicality of those costumes before you wear them on race day.
You will be using portapotties for potty breaks along the course and leotards and big fluffy tutus may not make for the best bathroom experience. Our So Sydney Sparkle Running Costume Tutus from Amazon were perfect. The big plus, they were inexpensive. You can click here to check them out on Amazon. They have a wide array of Disney Princesses to choose from.

Tip #7 – Purchase throw-away clothes or blankets. The Disney Princess is in February and with Florida weather you never know if it will be hot or cold. The best advice, be prepared. I purchased a cheap $2.50 throw blanket from Walmart prior to race day with the intention of Eden using it to stay warm prior to the race. Although it was warm that morning, the blanket doubled as something for her to sit on while we waited in the corrals.
Tip #8 – Remember Sunglasses and Sunblock. I know there is no sun at 5:30 a.m. when these races begin, but the sun will most likely rise during your race, depending on your corral placement and pace. When running with a kid, you can pretty much count on seeing the sunrise, which is beautiful by the way. Just be sure to be prepared and protected from the Florida sun with your sunglasses and sunblock.
Tip #9 – Have fun! I think this is the most important advice I can give. I am a pretty serious runner but there was no competition with this race. It was really hard for me to slow down but I kept reminding myself Eden and I were there for the experience. Anyone who runs these races has spent a pretty penny to be there. We were all going to get a medal, after all, there is no competition when you are running with kids.
Even with her fall and no food, that child finished with a smile on her face. Why? Because Disney magic is everywhere, even with their races and that is why I will never hesitate to run a Disney race with a child again.
So get out there and make those memories with a little help from Disney magic!
Oh my goodness – I used to run races, and even though my doc took me off running, I have ALWAYS wanted to do a Disney race! This gives me hope that a 5K could be possible! Are the only 5Ks in February?? I need to look this up! You have me so excited to try this – thank you for posting!
Hey Kimberly, all of the Disney World RunDisney races have a 5k. The great thing about them is you can walk the 5k race and not worry about time limits. Our family has actually added the Star Wars 5k to our bucket list. For some reason, the boys just don’t want to run the Princess races. lol I hope you get to experience a Disney race. They are my favorite!
I’m not a runner, but I LOVE Disney! I would so totally do this!!